Monday, July 19, 2010

Rainy Days & Mondays

Actually, while it is both rainy and a Monday, I'm in a pretty decent mood. Also, even though I have neglected my blog over the weekend, I have actually been spending time with my trusty Wii Fit. I believe that on Saturday I did just over half an hour and that on Sunday, I managed to do nearly an hour.

Today, I just finished up 28 minutes.

I could probably go longer if the kids weren't crying and screaming. (That's been a large part of my lack of posting too.)

As I write this, Kieradyn is crying that she has nothing to do and that she's just "so sad".

So yeah... don't expect anything too profound. In fact, this is probably it because I need to go have a stern talking to with my eldest child.

Have a great day, M'lovelies!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Weighing In

There's good news, and there's bad news...

The good news is that, according to my Wii Fit Plus, I have actually lost 10 pounds since the last time I used it back in March or April. The bad news is that still put had me weighing in at a whopping 306 pounds.

I've been struggling with this all day, wondering how I could post that number here. I came to the realization, though, that if this is going to work, I need to be honest here... My hope is that by being honest with my teeny handful of followers (most who have probably forgotten all about me by now), I'll be forced to be honest with myself too.

I was feeling pretty nauseated this morning. So I didn't work out quite as much as I would have liked. Still, I'm proud of myself. I watched my calories today, and I worked out for 18 minutes, I think it was, on the Wii Fit. (Super Hula Hoops, basic run, and free stepping). So it was a step in the right direction. I could have laid back like normal and said, "Oh, I'll start tomorrow..." but I didn't.

That's something, right?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So... um...


I have been a bad, bad blogger...

All six of you who follow my blog have been following for over a year now without a single post. I'm really bad about this, but a friend and I have decided that we need to lose weight. Since neither of us are the greatest when it comes to self control, we have realized that we need a way to make ourselves accountable. So, we are turning to blogging.

I am going to try to update much more frequently, and I'll be keeping tabs on the previously mentioned friend, Danny, and his blog too! (I'm sure he'll be returning the favor.) Since being lazy is kind of in my nature, I've decided to just kind of take over this poor neglected blog. I will still probably post some added randomness now and then, but it will also be the means for tracking my weight loss progress.

Today, I'll be trying to clear out some of the junk food from the house.

Tomorrow, I'll start in earnest...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Don't Miss This!

I just wanted to let you guys know about an awesome deal that Microsoft is offering right now. If you are currently in college or know a college student, then check this out. Students can get a digital download of the entire Microsoft Office Suite 2007 Edition for $59.95. (You also have the option to get a DVD back up copy for $13.00, and a digital back up for about $6.00. )

I, personally, took advantage of all three of those.

This includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Access, InfoPath, Groove, and Outlook with Business Contact Manager. The suggested retail is $679.95 for the full product and $539.99 to upgrade an older version.

I just started taking classes online through University of Phoenix a few weeks ago, and I've come to realize that nowadays, college students are pretty much required to have access most of these programs. Looking through my syllabuses, I see lots of assignments that have to be written in Word and my final project in one class has to be done all through Powerpoint.

If you know someone who can get use out of this, make sure to pass on the link below. I am having all sorts of fun toying around with the programs I wasn't familiar with, and it is a relief to have them for school. I only glanced around the site a little while I was there, but it looks like they had a lot of other good deals on different Microsoft products like Vista too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Must See TV: Leverage

I originally wrote this up a few months back but had nowhere to post it. Now I've edited it a bit and have decided to have it as the first review on my little fledgling blog. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you check out the show that it is written about!

Here Goes:

I have to admit that I was wary at first, but Stephen (my husband) convinced me to check out the TNT show Leverage when it started last year. While it seemed like a cool enough concept when he first explained it to me, I wasn't sure how well the theory could be executed for television. I've got to admit, however, that I have been pleasantly surprised.

The characters are truly original and incredibly interesting. Like modern day Robin Hoods, they make for the most unlikely heroes. I find myself getting all sorts of excited when I see a new episode waiting for me on the DVR. (I don't think we've watched anything live since getting our DVR three + years ago. I love, love, love my DVR!)

Leading this group of loveable rogues, you have Nathan Ford (Timothy Hutton). A former insurance claims investigator, Nate is an expert on the workings of scams and the retrieval of stolen property, but he has quite the beef with the insurance company that used to employ him. Not that one can blame him. I would be pretty pissed too, if the company I'd risked my neck for time and time again refused to pay for the necessary but "experimental" treatment needed for my 8 year old son to live. (This, of course, resulted in the child's death a couple of years previous to the show's start.)

Next is Alec Hardison (Aldis Hodge), the team's tech wizard. Don't let his rather athletic type good looks fool you. He's a true geek of the first order, right down to his cravings for orange soda and hot pockets to staying up all night playing WoW. Of course, since he's also able to hack into just about any computer database in the world, Hardison makes himself useful by doing things like providing the team with fake ids and rerouting international bank accounts.

Then there's Parker (Beth Riesgraf). Her real name is unknown, as is much of her past, as she was placed in the foster care system at a young age. People can't seem to decide on whether she is the best thief in the world or whether she's just crazy. Fortunately, claims Nate, she's both. While quite socially awkward, she isn’t at all phased by things like shimmying through teeny tiny spaces or scaling walls.

Eliot Spencer, played by Christian Kane, is dubbed a “Retrieval Specialist”. Full of a certain Southern charm, Eliot despises guns. That’s okay though, since he really doesn’t need them. He’s taken on multiple attackers by himself in fight scenes that are surprisingly believable. Through the course of the first season, you find out that he’s also got a way with horses and that he is a gourmet chef.

Last but not least, we have Sophie Devereaux (Gina Bellman). The claim about this talented grifter is that she is fluent in six languages and can fake twelve more. She is a wonderful actress who is able to take on any role and make strangers believe it—unless she is on an actual theatrical stage, that is. For a con artist, she’s got quite the compassionate heart. There is also quite the past between her and Nate, but the show’s creator’s are cleverly only leaking little bits at a time about the relationship.

All in all, I can definitely think of worse ways to spend an hour, and I can’t wait until the show returns this July for its second season. I strongly encourage you to check it out if you haven’t already. I am confident you won’t regret it.

Does it sound interesting to you? Catch up on what you've missed with hulu!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Here I Go Again...

Alright. I have my "Mommy Blog" somewhat established, and I am enjoying it quite a bit. The thing is that I have opinions on other things too, and they just didn't seem to fit with what I've already got going there.

So, here I am. I'm hoping to have reviews of some of my favorite books, television shows, movies, etc. on this blog.

Eventually, I'd like to set something up for my short stories as well.

I guess we'll just have to see...

I would love to get a few followers, and I'd be more than happy to return the favor!