Thursday, July 15, 2010

Weighing In

There's good news, and there's bad news...

The good news is that, according to my Wii Fit Plus, I have actually lost 10 pounds since the last time I used it back in March or April. The bad news is that still put had me weighing in at a whopping 306 pounds.

I've been struggling with this all day, wondering how I could post that number here. I came to the realization, though, that if this is going to work, I need to be honest here... My hope is that by being honest with my teeny handful of followers (most who have probably forgotten all about me by now), I'll be forced to be honest with myself too.

I was feeling pretty nauseated this morning. So I didn't work out quite as much as I would have liked. Still, I'm proud of myself. I watched my calories today, and I worked out for 18 minutes, I think it was, on the Wii Fit. (Super Hula Hoops, basic run, and free stepping). So it was a step in the right direction. I could have laid back like normal and said, "Oh, I'll start tomorrow..." but I didn't.

That's something, right?

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