Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So... um...


I have been a bad, bad blogger...

All six of you who follow my blog have been following for over a year now without a single post. I'm really bad about this, but a friend and I have decided that we need to lose weight. Since neither of us are the greatest when it comes to self control, we have realized that we need a way to make ourselves accountable. So, we are turning to blogging.

I am going to try to update much more frequently, and I'll be keeping tabs on the previously mentioned friend, Danny, and his blog too! (I'm sure he'll be returning the favor.) Since being lazy is kind of in my nature, I've decided to just kind of take over this poor neglected blog. I will still probably post some added randomness now and then, but it will also be the means for tracking my weight loss progress.

Today, I'll be trying to clear out some of the junk food from the house.

Tomorrow, I'll start in earnest...

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